Monday, April 7, 2014

Showcase your fabulous butterfly designs.

On the 10th of May it will be World Lupus Day and I have decided to celebrate the event by organising a Butterfly Showcase on my blog and on Pinterest. You can participate by sending me a sketch, illustration, painting, pattern, collage or basically anything that you have personally created using butterflies as a theme.  

Andy Warhol - Butterflies
Why butterflies? Lupus, or SLE is a chronic condition where the immune system attacks the body and can cause a multitude of complaints. One of the many symptoms of Lupus can be a malar rash on the cheeks which has the form of a butterfly.
You can easily show your support and help increase Lupus awareness by joining in on my Butterflies for Lupus Showcase 2014.

Black and White scarf designed by Vera Neumann
What you need to do.
Get inspired by butterflies and create your piece. There will be two different showcases, one for children up to 16 years old, and one for all the rest. The final artwork should be square if not it may need to be cropped.
Send me a 600 x 600 pixel jpg, 72dpi and rgb, of your final design. 
Name your file, BFL_yourname.jpg (for example, BFL_dawnclarkson.jpg). For children's drawings BFL_child'sname_age.jpg (for example, BFL_dawnclarkson_10.jpg). Please do not give a title to your piece.
You will be allowed ONE link to a blog or website.
The order of the showcase will be as I receive the files. 
There will be a series of blog posts featuring the designs received in batches. On May 10th I will launch a board on Pinterest which will include all the designs. 
The closing date will be Friday 2nd May ( I will need a week to prepare the whole thing!)
Please send your designs to
I will be making a small donation to Lupus UK for every design published, so get on it... now!

Alexander Henry Fabric - Papillon Collection
The butterfly designs you see here in this post are taken from my Butterflies - Farfalle -  Papillon board on Pinterest, you may want to take a look and use the board for inspiration. Also it is possible to see all the designs created for this project last year on my Butterflies for Lupus board.


  1. Would love to join in again Dawn! I really like the idea behind this. Julie
