Wednesday, May 21, 2014

World Lupus Day 2014 - Acknowledgments

The collection of butterfly designs to celebrate World Lupus Day was a great success this year. I received 99 beautiful butterflies from all over the world, from as far away as Chile, Canada and Australia and by people with ages ranging from 3 to 80! Personally I had to do a lot of work to prepare everything but it all went well, my blog received well over 650 hits in 3 days (300 on 10th May) and the event generated hundreds of Tweets related to World Lupus Day.

Some of the 99 butterfly designs received for World Lupus Day
Tweets mentioning the event and a personal Thank you from Lupus UK!
In general a big thank you goes to everyone who sent me a design, however just a few people need to be mentioned as they played a particular part in helping to make the event a success. 
Thomas Fummo who encouraged his adult English class to draw butterflies instead of perfecting their grammar.
The 4 and 5 year olds from the Scuola Materna dell'Istituto Calasanzio dei Padri Scolopi di Empoli, Florence.
The 7 and 8 year olds, class 2A, from the Scuola Alessandro Manzoni, Moncalieri, Turin.
SKI TEAM Jouvenceaux.
My mother Ann Clarkson who is not very good with paints but fabulous with a needle and thread.
All my professional surface pattern friends who found the time in their busy schedule to do a special design for this initiative.
My thanks also go to a very special lady called Milvia who was without doubt the most famous person to produce a design for the butterfly gallery.
We must not forget why I began this project, mainly to increase Lupus awareness, which is an illness close to my heart but also to make a small donation to LUPUS UK. By donating 1 euro for every design received I was able to give a total of 99 euros, or 80 UK pounds, or 135 U.S. dollars. 

Details of my donation
Although the event has now finished if anyone feels inspired to draw and send me a butterfly design I will continue to accept them throughout 2014. They will be added to the following Pinterest boards... Children, Adults and Designers
I think I have said enough for now, I just need to add that I enjoyed myself very much and it gave me great pleasure to receive so many fabulous creations. Next year is going to be bigger and better, I do hope you will take part. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

World Lupus Day 2014 - Butterfly Showcase 3

Welcome to the third and final showcase which includes designs from adults and professional designers. It is another long post so get yourself a nice cup of tea, relax and enjoy! Just a reminder that we are here to celebrate World Lupus Day and for every design that you see here today I will be making a small donation to LUPUS UK. Please take a moment to read about Lupus and increase your awareness of the disease. If you missed out on the children's showcases earlier just continue to scroll down after this post is finished... I can assure you it is well worth the effort.

© Dawn Clarkson 2014
© Thomas Fummo 2014
© Anneline Sophia 2014

© Sonal Nathwani 2014

© Shelly Penko 2014

© Jan Shepherd 2014

© Annette Plummer 2014

© Salvina Lo Monaco 2014
© Isabella Schirripa 2014

© Ann Clarkson 2014

© Tokzhan Ibragimora 2014
© Antonio Bosio 2014
© Frances Boyd 2014

© Bethania Lima 2014
© Camilla Torna 2014
Last but definitley not least... a special treat, a super 'original' design from Milvia!

© Milvia 2014
All the designs from this post can be seen HERE on Pinterest, and a reminder that the children's showcase can also be seen on Pinterest HERE. You can also just continue to scroll down and see the previous two posts below if you like.
I do hope that you have enjoyed the lovely butterfly designs on show today. I am amazed to say that I had a total of 99 designs sent to me. A big thank you to everyone who participated and helped to make the day so special for me. If you should feel inspired by these posts and you would like to send me a butterfly design I will include it on one of the Butterflies for Lupus boards on Pinterest.
Next week I will be posting news of today's showcases and of what the initiative has achieved, until then, xx

World Lupus Day 2014 - Butterfly Showcase 2

This second Butterfly showcase is really just a continuation of the first post, showing fun, colourful and beautiful drawings all made by children. Today is World Lupus Day and what a better way to celebrate than looking at some super butterfly designs? The first five drawings below continue the collection drawn by 7 and 8 year olds, class 2A, from the Scuola Alessandro Manzoni, Moncalieri, Turin.

© Chiara and Luca Borgogno. Ages 13 and 11
Above is a super design by brother and sister who decided to do a drawing together, so sweet! To conclude the children's showcases, please enjoy these butterflies drawn by 7 and 8 year olds from Turin.

Alberto Contona. Age 7

Carlotta Buzzi. Age 7
Christian Poretta. Age 7
Cristian Cabiduu. Age 7
Cristina B.
Elena Romano. Age 7
Elena Gemello. Age 8
Elisabetta F. Age 8
Federico Grosetto. Age 7
Filippo B. Age 7
Franceso Insalata. Age 7
Gabriella Sallustio. Age 7
Ilario Bellone. Age 7
Nicolò Fracchiolla. Age 7
Riccardo Maraletti. Age 7
Riccardo T. Age 8
Sara Pacotto. Age 8
Stefano. Age 7
Vittoria Pizzi. Age 7
I hope you have enjoyed the second and last children's Butterflies for Lupus 2014 showcase. You can also continue to scroll down the page to see the drawings posted earlier. The whole collection is available to see HERE on Pinterest. Please come back later to see some fabulous butterfly designs created by professional designers and adults. 
See you then.